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Photon Violation Spectroscopy

Photon Violation Spectroscopy

By Eric Reiter

Researcher claims photon model fails 
Modern physics considers light to have both particle and wave properties – a paradox! But independent researcher Eric Reiter has devised an experiment and theory to show that light has nothing to do with particles at all. There is a famous thought experiment of Einstein’s that is in essence the definition of the photon: a photon should go one way or the other at a partially reflecting mirror. But what does nature say, and how do we ask? Previous embodiments of this experiment have supported photons. In Reiter’s experiment the light is gamma rays, and the mirror is one of two detectors. Reiter’s detectors show that a gamma ray can split and go both ways, therefore violating the definition of the photon. In hundreds of repetitions and tens of variations, the experimental results decisively refute the predictions of quantum mechanics. If gamma rays, the most particle-like form of light, are not photons, then there can be no photons. Reiter claims this failure of quantum mechanics lets us see what is really going on: an accumulation effect in matter. Reiter claims there are many distortions in our textbooks that have tricked generations of students away from realizing this accumulation effect.

In a thought experiment, Einstein proposed that each light quantum would go one way or another at a beam splitter. In testing this model, a series of experiments use spontaneous gamma rays from either Cd109 or Co57, whereby a primary gamma-ray splits and is detected in coincidence in two detectors. The measured coincidence rates substantially exceed the calculated chance coincidence rate. These are full-height pulses, which directly violate the quantum mechanical probabilistic model of light, and indirectly violate the concept of quantized free charge. The effect only works when the gamma ray frequency is sufficiently low such that the photoelectric effect efficiency dominates above the Compton effect in the detector. Very few gamma sources have a lone photopeak that allow this measurement, which explains why this effect was previously unnoticed. Applications to material science are introduced whereby the peak-to-Compton ratio in the pulse-height spectrum from an off-axis detector, triggered in coincidence with the transmitted beam, responds to magnetic fields and temperature changes. There is no such response in conventional gamma ray spectrums. To further help understand how all this can possibly be true, a wave oriented derivation of the photoelectric and Compton effects are offered.

Without some understanding of my alternative to quantum mechanics you may falsely assume I am trying to make energy from nothing. A simplified interpretation of the results of my experiments is as follows: a single nuclear g-ray decay releases an hng of energy in an initially directed monochromatic coherent electromagnetic pulse that scatters classically. Energy is absorbed continuously and selectively by resonators of similar frequency until they reach an hn of energy, as a maximum threshold in either a charge wave beat or a standing wave envelope. This completes a loading that can cause more than one simultaneous detection event. These detection events can each indicate energy proportional to the original hng. release. Since the concept of quantized charge is the chief reason behind quantized light in the photoelectric effect, if the concept of quantized light is invalidated, it calls into question the concept of quantized charge also. In quantum mechanics, it is the amplitude of a wave function Y that interferes. ¦Y¦2 = (probability) is used to determine where and when an hn of energy, a photon, is to appear. I call this the photon principle. If it really was a photon, the whole of an emitted hn would proceed and deposit itself as a whole hn, in one place at a time. My set of experiments show that the photon principle is violated because I show two or even three hn detections are triggered from one hn emission. These experiments imply that the particle-like effects are due to properties of the charge-wave (see appendices and paper1), not any sort of quantization or wave packet of light. If these experiments are not refuted they directly show that the concept of quantized light must be transcended.

My challenge is to the concept of quantization itself. This challenge includes: (a) a wave-oriented derivation of the photoelectric effect and its development into a non-dualistic theory, the Threshold-Ratio Model1 (TRM) (see Appendices), (b) applying TRM toward re-deriving equations of famous experiments (see Appendices), (c) pointing out flaws in previous experiments that made physics believe quantized light and charge was “right,” and (d) predicting phenomena that directly violate quantum mechanics, (e) performing experiments that confirm the predictions.

I have decided to release my research here on the web for several good reasons. Here I have freedom of expression and can show far greater detail than what is normally offered in a scientific journal. I describe 20 variations of the experiment, all of which reinforce my position. Previous published experiment on this issue, all of which support quantum mechanics, have no such detail. The nature of my claim is so astounding that I expect people to think there was some strange experimental artifact at play. Physicists are invited to visit my lab and check out my experiment, or else repeat these experiments themselves to be convinced that there is no mistake here.

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  1. describe the experiments that support quantitization of energy.

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