Power Pulse Modulators Power Pulse Modulator model comparison Power supply considerations Driving inductive loads Adding a remote duty control and indicator Strobing LED Effects Making a Jacobs Ladder Bipolar PWM with Arduino Product Troubleshooting (Links are to the most recent version of the datasheet. Contact us if you require an previous version)
Product Guides and Tutorials
Here you can see a comparison of the various circuits to help you to choose which one would best suit your application
These circuits are capable of delivering large and fast current pulses. It is important that your power supply is capable of supporting this or you risk damaging both the PSU and the PWM.
This guide shows how to safely drive inductive loads such as transformers, spark coils and other electromagnetic devices.
For operating your Power Pulse Modulator remotely
Power Pulse Modulators can be use to create strobing effects with LEDs. This article shows you an example of how strobing lights can create optical illusions on spinning fan.
A Jacobs ladder is a simple high voltage device that create s rising arc effect between two metal rods.
Here you can see how to link two of our PWM circuits together with an Arduino for driving current in both directions in a coil.
If you have accidentally damaged your device, this guide will help you to identify and repair the fault.Datasheets and User Manuals
Power Pulse Modulators
Power Resonator
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