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Robot CyberneticsCybernetics involves the study of communication and control processes in biological, mechanical, electronic and information systems. Cybernetics is becoming increasingly part of our daily lives. The Terminator movies brought cybernetics into the popular consciousness by using the term Cybernetic Organism or Cyborg. Cybernetics can be used in a massive range of disciplines. It is commonly seen in electronic and biological systems, such as robots, automated machinery, virtual reality, and AI, but is also used in subjects such as physics, psychology and even politics.

Robotics LogoRobotics

Robots, their uses, and Project MIRC.

AI LogoArtificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence and technological developments.

virtual worldsVirtual Worlds

Virtual worlds & computer games.

Home AutomationAutomation

Automated Smart homes, industrial automation & more.

Learn ElectronicsLearn Electronics

Learn about electronics and electronic components. Learn what components do and how to recognise them


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