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The Turing Test

The Turing Test

The Turing Test is a method derived by Alan Turing in the 1950’s. It is supposed to determine if a machine is intelligent or not. The test uses a type of ‘imitation game’ where the AI and a real person are interrogated via a computer screen. The tester would pose questions to both computer screens and would try to judge the responses in order to determine which one was the human.

Turing TestTuring suggested that if the tester could not determine which was the human, then the AI must truly be an AI. This method has its obvious flaws. Intelligence itself is hard to define, and human intelligence can vary dramatically from person to person; therefore it may be very difficult to choose the right people for the Turing testing process. As the intelligence level of the AI is an unknown it would be impossible to know who to test it against. For example if the human being interrogated was of less intelligence than the AI’s programmed level of intelligence, the tester could easily fail in determining which was human and which was AI. According to the Turing test this inconclusive result would mean that the AI was intelligent! Just because the tester cannot ‘out wit’ the tested it does not mean that they are intelligent. There are many Chess programs available, which could probably ‘out wit’, a player many times, but this does not make it intelligent. It may simply mean that it is better equipped to deal with the challenge than the player. The same applies for the ‘imitation game’ of the Turing test.

It is possible that a true test for AI will never be found, as intelligence comes in so many different shapes and forms. It is likely that as ‘AI’ is gradually introduced into our lives we will become accustomed to it, and will see advanced AI programs as highly intelligent, and less advanced ones as less intelligent. We will have to merely assume that they are intelligent to a certain degree, as we can’t truly judge intelligence until we can fully understand our own.

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  1. 1I was not able to visually grasp the 2entirety of the text in left to 3right diction, maybe that isn’t 4important to your grouping, but it 5does offer some visual importance to 6me

    left to right is diction1

    1I think you are talking about some
    2total merge?

    1it is intriguing


  2. In Turing Test Two, two players A and B are again being questioned by a human interrogator C. Before A gave out his answer (labeled as aa) to a question, he would also be required to guess how the other player B will answer the same question and this guess is labeled as ab. Similarly B will give her answer (labeled as bb) and her guess of A’s answer, ba. The answers aa and ba will be grouped together as group a and similarly bb and ab will be grouped together as group b. The interrogator will be given first the answers as two separate groups and with only the group label (a and b) and without the individual labels (aa, ab, ba and bb). If C cannot tell correctly which of the aa and ba is from player A and which is from player B, B will get a score of one. If C cannot tell which of the bb and ab is from player B and which is from player A, A will get a score of one. All answers (with the individual labels) are then made available to all parties (A, B and C) and then the game continues. At the end of the game, the player who scored more is considered had won the game and is more “intelligent”.


  3. Pienso que el test de turing es algo increible en el desarrollo de la Informática.

    I think that the test of turing is something increible in the development of the data processing.

  4. Thanks for your feedback. The brain is very adaptable, and its whole method of reasonoing and logic can be changed willingly or unwillingly.

    Our brains thrive on stimuli. It is important that our brains are kept active in order for them to develop.

    The term ‘Genius’ is often applied to anyone with an extreemly high level of intelligence or mental ability, but I believe that this is a misuse of the word. A Genius should not only have this extraordinary mental ability, but should be able to make good practical use of it. A good example would be Einstein, as he used his mind to make discoveries that would change the world.

    There are many special methods for diliberatley enhancing your mental ability. When we are young our brains are more malleable, so it important to start as soon as possible. People like Tony Buzan have developed techniques that enable ANYONE to performa amazing feats of memory. One of these methods for learning is known as a ‘mind map’. It involves taking advantage of your brains ability to recocnise symbols and coordination.

    There are also many other methods for enhancing your mind in a variety of ways. They all have in common the fact that they are simply taking advantage of the natural abilities of all human brains.

    Another interesting way to look at a mind (especially an AI one)is in terms of Memes. Some people find this topic a little controversial, as it can suggest that we have no real free will, but there is definatley a lot that can be lerned when looking at behaviours in this way. This is a topic that will be covered on this site sometime in the future.

  5. i impressed with those information
    given,i wish to study more detail about brain.
    how does we used usually in our daily
    throunghtout all the thing-around us.
    emosional,rasional,and some more.
    i always thing the alternative of our brain
    i believe that a normal person can get into theirself be genius.i’m work on it.
    even now i’m still 17 yers old.
    i wish to be in a brain -science research.

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